Value added Medicines | Online SummitExecutive summaryEmpowering the healthcarecommunity by improvingexisting...
Már háziorvosok is felírhatják a favipiravirt
Háziorvosok is felírhatják a favipiravirt COVID-19-betegeknekAkadémikusok javaslatára Mit kell tudni a gyógyszerről és...
Koronavírus elleni gyógyszert gyártó üzemet adtak át Pilisborosjenőn
Koronavírus elleni gyógyszertgyártó üzemet adtak át PilisborosjenőnEredményes az Egészségipari Támogatási...
The Impact of Biosimilar Competition in Europe
The Impact of Biosimilar Competition in EuropeMarket AccessThe ‘Impact of Biosimilar Competition in Europe' report describes the effects of biosimilars on price, volume andmarket share.The report consists of observations on competitive markets, and a set of Key...
Window of opportunity to enhance EU regulatory systems wide open as EU pharma strategy prioritises stronger EU networks
Window of opportunity to enhance EU regulatory systemswide open as EU pharma strategy prioritises stronger EU networksThe recently published EU pharmaceutical strategy is a welcome tool to address public health challenges in Europe, including equitable access to...
Archiving the backlog of A7 alerts
Archiving the backlog of A7 alerts(remaining in the retry queue from 2020)We recently confirmed that the backlog of A7 alerts in the EU Hub retry queue had been cleared. However, how older items — in the queue from 2020 — are to be processed was still under...